Out of the jungle, into your home

GrowJungle is a webshop thatā€™s continually looking for new varieties of plants to introduce to the market. The plants offered on this webshop are fresh from the greenhouses in The Netherlands, where me as owner live myself. Growing plants has been in the family for over 25 years and we would like to keep on doing what we are best at. I am inspired by my dad, who has constantly showed me just how special plants can be. He has brought me on many plant hunts around the world, and luckily I have the opportunity to share it with you.Ā 

How do we get new varieties?

My father and I are always looking for new plants all over the world and it takes a lot of energy to accomplish this. Many plants we already know are tropical and come from countries like Thailand and South-America. As we start the adventure of looking for new plants, we visit different nurseries and go hunting in the jungle to find the jewels we need. When we find the treasures, we bring it back to our greenhouses in The Netherlands to find out if there is a possibility of the plants to adapt to the European climate. When the plants have adjusted, we encourage the plants to make more friends so they doesnā€™t stay lonely in Europe.